Vice President Research & Chief Innovation Officer
Dr. Scott has established an Innovation Function within Hamilton Health Sciences with an emphasis on developing new care models empowering patients and providers.
The vision addresses the need for the healthcare industry to evolve the relationships between patients, and healthcare providers using enabling digital technologies. With the recruitment of Dr. Jeremy Petch, he co-founded the HHS-CREATE, CentRE for dAta Science and digital hEalth.
In his role at Hamilton Health Sciences, he has been developing international collaborations to support the advancement of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Strategy on Digital Health. The focus of this work has been on the WHO, strategic objectives and working with local partners in low and middle-income countries to generate impact on regional and country level targets for health improvement while advancing principles of equity, diversity and inclusion.
Dr. Scott holds a Masters of Applied Science in Medical Ultrasound and a PhD in Diagnostic Imaging from Charles Sturt University of Australia.